My office is nothing spectacular, but I’ve been asked by a few people how I get my video to look so good in live interviews, so I’m sharing a bit about my desk setup. If you haven’t seen any of those live interviews, head on over to my press kit page and check out the links to some of them!
For me, this whole desk setup has been a game-changer! I’ve scoured the internet for an EASY way to get my Microsoft Surface Pro computer mounted right next to my monitor. Let me tell you… there aren’t many people who have done what I have, so I’ll explain that below.
The numbers and arrows on the photo might be a little distracting but it seemed the easiest way to point out what I’m talking about.
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1. Surface Pro 6 / VESA Mount
Okay, let’s talk about the VESA monitor arms first.
At just under $60, this dual monitor desk mount has two swivel arms which allow me to position the monitor however I want. Mounting the monitors gets them off my desk and ensures good posture and ergonomics.
I added this $21 laptop mount tray with the clips to hold my Surface Pro in a vertical position beside my main display — more on that in a minute.
The AOC monitor is a curved display (24″ I think) with plenty of room for side-by-side views of multiple windows for max productivity. The clarity of this monitor can’t touch the Surface Pro 6 screen resolution, so I’d like to upgrade this eventually. After all, I spend at least 10 hours a day looking at the thing, but it works and I love having it on the monitor arm.
My husband bought an adapter for the Surface Pro called a Surfacekit (link unavailable) which gives me a much needed USB-C and HDMI port. You can see it hanging out of the bottom of the Surface where the cables dangle down.
The Surface Pro is an AMAZING computer. It’s a laptop/tablet in one and with the Surface Pen, it makes this computer so powerful! It’s so much slimmer and lighter than an iPad Pro and when I carried it around it was about the same as carrying a spiral notebook.
My issue with portability comes from the kickstand on the back. The thin metal line needs to rest level which makes it difficult to use like a laptop.
You know… on your lap.
While using it at my desk, I needed to mount it higher so I wasn’t looking down all day. My husband built a monitor riser to get it up higher, which worked well but didn’t let me put my screen snug beside my main monitor.
After googling ways to mount a Surface Pro beside my computer, I could only find a proprietary device that was bulky and expensive. So I got the idea to try a laptop tray.
Hubs installed the laptop tray so that it is flat instead of angled, and the clips hold my Surface nice and snug. This has been a PERFECT solution and I think I’d like to add another one for my iPad at some point!
2. Podcasting Mic & Boom Arm
I’m not a podcaster, but my husband had an extra podcast quality mic and helped me rig it up for the many many Zoom meetings and live streams I attend.
The mic quality is good, and the boom arm allows me to put it behind my computer when not in use.
This one was about $15 and came with a phone mount (see #6).
3. Google Home Mini
I’ve had this for a really long time… maybe 4 years? I keep it on my desk for the obvious questions about weather, measurements, random questions, reminders, home automation, and adding things to my lists.
But did you know you can also connect it to your computer and use it for audio? This one is connected to my computer as a Bluetooth speaker and I use it for music and calls instead of the built-in Surface Pro speakers.
4. iPad Pro 12.9, Magic Keyboard, Apple Pencil 2, & AirPods Pro
So I’m an Android / PC girl but… I have this iPad Pro for a few reasons. First, I really love to draw with Procreate. It’s one of the few tools I feel like I can really create art with since I’m not very skilled in art. The second thing is that it’s one of the few devices I can get a cellular plan with and work remotely. There’s something about just opening it and being connected that has taken a weight off my shoulders, especially when I need to be in the car for 4 hours and I’m on deadline.
I went with the Magic Keyboard because not only did I score it for $150 off, but I like having the extra port for charging on the keyboard itself, and – the biggest reason – it’s the only one that doesn’t have the kickstand like my Microsoft Surface Pro. The Surface kickstand is also a problem on airplanes because the computer and keyboard can’t fit on the tray with the stand. After a year or two of fighting with it while traveling, I’m glad I have the Magic Keyboard.
The biggest con is this sucker is H-E-A-V-Y. I’m so shocked at the difference between it and my Surface Pro. It’s thick and it’s a beast to lug around. Keep that in mind.
As for the AirPods Pro, they work smashing with my Galaxy phone and my PC, though probably not as seamlessly as if I had the whole Apple ecosystem. But the noise canceling and call quality is some of the very best on the market. I listen to a lot of audiobooks, YouTube, podcasts, and take calls, so this is probably my most used piece of tech. In fact, I need a second pair!!!
5. Kindle Oasis
This is the Cadillac of Kindles and if it wasn’t a gift, I wouldn’t have purchased it for myself. Well, that is before I owned one.
Now I get it.
The screen is bigger and the resolution is better. It’s waterproof and backlit. I like the ledge on the back for a better grip, but the best feature is it’s ambidextrous. I’m both left and right-handed, so I would hold it in my right hand and eat with my left hand while reading. If I want to switch, I flip it over, and the screen auto-rotates! There are a ton more features to this Kindle that make me love it, so if you’re an avid reader… SPLURGE!
6. Galaxy A32 and Phone Mount
When I mentioned the boom arm in #2, I mentioned it came with some extras. One of the extra parts was a phone mount. I clipped it to my VESA arm and mounted my extra unused phone over my monitor.
Why? Well, I use it as a webcam!
The phone was a freebie from T-Mobile and it’s not my main device. Since my Surface Pro webcam is now in a weird position, I needed a webcam. This phone has a 48-megapixel rear-facing camera which is insane and quite frankly overkill for a Zoom meeting, but it works!
I use the Iriun webcam pro software (about $5) which allows features like zooming in and adjusting the white balance. Or you can use the free version, which works great but is missing a few features. It’s easy to set up, and the desktop software allows you to control your phone camera. It’s very handy!
7. Ring Light
You may notice I have two ring lights. This larger one and a smaller one on the boom arm on the left. Really this is simply because they were a “congrats on your book!” gift from friends and having two helps to balance the light. They are also RGB lights that can add some mood light to the room when writing at night or on a live stream.
8. Dog Treat Jar
The treats are for Willow, not me.
They are bribes for those times when I’m in a writing sprint and she stands beside me on her hind legs like a meerkat begging to go for a walk.
The bribes don’t work. When she wants a walk, she gets a walk.
Also shown under my monitor is my daily box where I keep things in easy reach. Notecards, sticky notes, vitamins, a small mirror, etc. I also keep Burt’s Bees and Chapstick somewhere on my desk! At the end of the day, I try to put everything scattered on my desk in this box so it’s clean in the morning.
My favorite writing tools are also pictured. Sharpie Pens and Zebra Mildliners – my favs!
9. Author Fuel
There’s almost always a coffee cup on my desk and this particular mug is a gift from my daughter, Bella.
It takes me about an hour to drink a cup of coffee and I usually have about 2-3 a day. Not pictured is my water cup. I keep it filled and drink about 70oz of water a day. When it’s warm you’ll see a mason jar of iced tea or coffee on my desk!
10. Microsoft Designer Compact Keyboard & Logitech M590 Mouse
This is the last bit of tech I’ll show, and this keyboard is a dream!
It’s low profile with low traveling keys – that’s a fancy way of saying you don’t need to push as hard and they aren’t very noisy and the keyboard isn’t bulky. I like that I can use it with 3 different devices and it has dedicated windows and emoji keys. You can also program some of the other keys as well.
The Logitech mouse I use is the M590 which has a lot of really cool features, most of which I don’t use. The main thing is I need a Bluetooth for two devices (not 1 dongle and 1 Bluetooth) with easy switching. I also MUST have the back and forward buttons on the side by my thumb. This makes navigation such a dream!
So there you have it…
Most of the things on my desk serves a purpose for and works seamlessly.
It also all adds up to a pretty big price tag!
But I didn’t buy these things all at once. Little by little, over the last few years, we’ve added things strategically after researching and ensuring it’s the best and most affordable solution for my needs. And that’s the thing… what works for me might not work for you, and that’s okay!
Let me know if you have any questions or if you need any suggestions on how to make your desk more functional! If you’d like, send me a photo of your desk and I’ll share my favorites in my newsletter!
The question is… should I get a standing desk?