Kate Angelo

Full Bio

Bestselling and award-winning author Kate Angelo once sold a lion to a circus in Shreveport after her mom realized lions weren’t great house pets. Growing up, she was a bookworm, dog groomer, exotic pet wrangler, horse trainer, cowgirl, and teenage pool shark. After aging out of foster care, she cultivated her inner computer nerd and worked as a web programmer. During a visit to Australia, she encountered Jesus and left the corporate world to pursue a life in ministry.

A Publishers Weekly bestselling author, Selah Award winner, and Amazon Top 100 bestseller from Southwest Missouri, Kate now spends her days putting fictional characters through the wringer in her fast-paced romantic suspense novels. When she’s not writing, she works alongside her husband championing stronger marriages and families through their nonprofit ministry. After raising their five children, Kate and her husband are now fluent in sarcasm and eye rolls—a language they plan to teach their grandkids.

Having aged out of foster care herself, Kate brings hard-won wisdom about trauma and healing to every story she writes, weaving hope and forgiveness into her characters’ journeys. Whether she’s helping people survive in fiction or thrive in real life, she’s passionate about helping others discover their own happily ever after. Learn more about Kate (and that wild lion story!) at kateangelo.com.

More Photos available below

Short Bio

Kate Angelo is a Publishers Weekly bestselling author, Selah Award winner, and Amazon Top 100 bestseller from Southwest Missouri. When she’s not putting fictional characters through the wringer in her fast-paced romantic suspense novels, she’s working alongside her husband Jerry as co-founder of their nonprofit ministry dedicated to strengthening marriages and families. Having aged out of foster care herself, Kate brings hard-won wisdom about trauma and healing to every story she writes, weaving hope and forgiveness into her characters’ journeys. Whether she’s helping people survive in fiction or thrive in real life, Kate is passionate about helping others discover their own happily ever after. To learn more about her work (and hear the wild story about her pet lion!), subscribe to her newsletter at kateangelo.com.

Alternate Bio

Kate Angelo is an award-winning, bestselling Romantic Suspense author, minister, and public speaker from Southwest Missouri who serves alongside her husband championing stronger marriages and families through their nonprofit.

Her career began in IT as a web developer, programmer, and usability expert, but she left the corporate world to pursue full-time ministry work. Following her passion for story, Kate began writing fiction in 2019. Her 2022 debut novel, Driving Force, is an Amazon Top 100 bestseller written in the storyworld of Lynette Eason’s Elite Guardians series and published by Sunrise Publishing. In 2022, Harlequin selected Kate in the Great Love Inspired Author Search for her novel, Hunting the Witness, a 2023 Publishers Weekly Bestseller. In 2024, Kate received a Selah Award for her novella, Deadly Holiday Hijack.

As Mom to 5 adult children, she’s fluent in both sarcasm and eye rolls. Kate is a coffee aficionado, tech enthusiast, productivity guru, prayer warrior, dog lover, and known klutz—just ask her doctor. Having aged out of foster care, Kate brings a unique perspective to her writing, breathing life into flawed characters who find hope and healing amidst danger. Subscribe to her newsletter learn about her and that pet lion thing at kateangelo.com.

Photos of Kate Angelo

Sample Interview Questions

Interviews & Articles

Book Reviews & Endorsements

Invite Me to Speak at Your Event

I would love to share a powerful message at your next event. Whether your event is at a school, women’s conference, church group, prayer meeting, author event, or other gathering, please don’t hesitate to connect with me.

Author Events

Combining my love of technology and teaching, my passion is teaching authors and others how they can enhance their author career and their writing. As a faculty member at conferences and online events, Blue Ridge Christian Writers Conference and American Christian Fiction Writers, I teach and train on subjects such as Your Author Website as Your Bestseller, AI for Authors, ChatGPT for Brainstorming and Developing Characters, AI Artillery: Fortifying Your Tactics, Scrivener Basics (and beyond), and more.

I also speak at libraries, schools, and writing groups/retreats on writing craft, social media, marketing, technology, and growing and maintaining an author newsletter.

Appropriate for:
Book Signing Events
Zoom Podcasts and Training Events

Marriage & Family

Together with my husband, Jerry Angelo, we deliver a fun and dynamic message about making your marriage great again.

We have several messages and skills we can teach that are designed to strengthen and encourage marriages. Some of our messages include emotional intelligence, blended families, forgiveness, bringing joy to your marriage, marriages in crisis, communication skills, conflict resolution, and more.

You can book us together or separately. We are able to help you organize and host an entire marriage and family conference or just a one-hour event.

Appropriate for:
Marriage Conference
Women’s Events
Men’s Events
Church Service
Youth/Young Adult Service
Zoom Podcasts and Training Events


How can you forgive an abuser? How can you live with the trauma of abuse? Can you ever have a normal life after what you have been through?

In my talk about forgiveness, I deliver a powerful testimony of abuse, neglect, suicide, murder, and my time in foster care. 

I help individuals walk through the steps of forgiveness. I teach what forgiveness is and what it isn’t. And I help you see the potential of a full and healthy life as a survivor.

Appropriate for:
Women’s Events
Church Service
Youth Events

Prayer Events

Jerry and Kate Angelo at Missouri National Day of PrayerPrayer moves the hearts of man and God

Together with my husband, Jerry Angelo, we lead prayer across the nation at several events including the Missouri Prayerfest (the first Saturday in October) and National Day of Prayer in Missouri.

We believe prayer is the key to relationship with God and those around us. We teach on several key areas of prayer, practical tips and examples of prayer, and even teach married couples how they can pray together daily.

Schools & Youth Groups

From foster kid to foster mom, I give an inspirational talk about how to survive when your home life is out of control. I help students see beyond their present circumstances to what their future holds.

Many students have commented, “Wow, I would have never guessed you survived something like that, and it gives me hope for what I’m going through.”

These comments are exactly why I love to speak to students and young adults! They may never forget their trauma, but they can learn to use it to empower themselves and others.

Contact Me

Would you like to interview me or invite me to speak at your event? I’d love to hear from you! Fill out the form below and I’ll be in touch right away.

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